środa, 14 września 2016

“Poland Rising” – Zezorro on ITEL Radio, 9.10.16


Long time friend and contributor to Inside the Eye – Live!, Zezorro from Zezorro.blogspot.com visited in hour 2 of Inside the Eye – Live! for September 10, 2016. This was a very strong and informative interview that largely focused on Poland and European issues.

Zezorro discussed such developments as the “Visegrad Group” and its military implications to a potential lead-in to a war with Russia under which Poland will fall within the US military, political, and economic umbrellas. Other topic of discussion included the new Polish government, anti-Immigration policies of Poland, past German-Polish relations, Merkel and Germany, internal struggle against Jewish Bolshevism, and a belief among Poles that Poland as a nation is ascendant and ready to take a more visible stage on the geopolitical arena.

Inside the Eye - Live! - Intelligent Media for the Politically Aware; website

Interview: LINK

Full radio show

Hour 1 - Kaepernic and Protest against the National Anthem
Hour 2 - Guest, Zezorro
Hour 3 - Guest, Tom Goodrich